Aditya Garg
A student of Computer Science and Engineering.
A learner and practitioner of various fields of technology.
Happy to have you here!!!
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My resume
 Align yourself
     as you desire
         Coz stars do fall too
             & fulfill your wishes.
Game Automation using Python
A Game Automation Script (or simply Game Bot) written entirely in Python which performs multiple tasks to be performed in a dynamic game enviornment, integrating OpenCV Image Detection to generate current state inputs and bring in suitable responses.
A 5-day haul where I grasped core concepts of I/O Event Handling and Image Detection from scratch and applied them to real-life use.
Project Domain(s) :Game AutomationSoftware Development
Skills :PythonImage DetectionGitHubPyautoguiI/O Handling
Links :
AnonChat - Anonymous Group Chatting App
Enables authenticated users to chat over web socket implementations.
Users send and receive messages anonymously, i.e. no identity revelation, only in a chatroom they have either joined or create a new one.
Project Domain(s) :Web Development
Skills :Socket.ioReactJSNodeJSExpressJSMySQLGoogle ConsoleREST APIsTailwind CSS
Links :
Personal Portfolio Web Development Project
A personal portfolio website wherein I have used HTML, CSS & JavaScript to create this website with mobile responsiveness also curated.
This website also has Fire Base as back-end to receive responses you can give me at the form below.
Be sure to drop a response so I can know what you thought about website.
Project Domain(s) :Web Development
Skills :HTMLCSSJavaScriptFront-EndBack-EndFire BaseGitHub
Links :
Experiences and Achievements
  • Completed my Secondary school with 97+ percentage.
  • Completed my Senior Secondary schooling with 95+ percentage.
  • Became Pupil on Code Forces.
  • Joined GDSC LNMIIT Competitive Programming Domain as Core Member.
  • Attended One of the Largest Hackathon "HackZurich 2022" as a virtual participant.
  • Became Specialist on Code Forces.
  • Had a successful run throughout Google KickStart 2022
    Secured Global rank 373.
  • Achieved personal highest rank on Code Forces
    Secured Global Rank 343.
  • Conducted a 3-day Flagship Event "Code Rush" with Algo University & GDSC LNMIIT.
  • Completed my first project using Python.
    Accomplished a Game Automation task in my childhood's beloved Game "Hay Day".
  • Became GDSC LNMIIT Competitive Programming Lead.
  • Facilitated Flagship Event "Code Kaze" by Coding Ninjas in LNMIIT.
  • Initiated "Code Connect" series by GDSC LNMIIT and organised DSA Accelerator Programme with Coding Ninjas.
  • Advanced my React, HTML,CSS, and JS knowledge and completed my portfolio website.
About Me
Hi! Well I expect by now you already a lot of know about me.

I am a 3rd year B.Tech student pursuing Computer Science and Engineering and inherently try to find different ways to apply my knowledge of technology while expanding it simultaneously.

I have experiences in
  • Data Structures and Algorithms, using them for my Competitive Programming ventures. (Highest Rating on CodeForces stands tall at 1509.)
  • Learnt Python and utilised its image detection facilitating libraries to create my first-ever project.
  • Went on a my own Web-Development path to learn React, HTML, CSS and JS and produced this portfolio website as its first result.
As GDSC Competitive Domain Lead I have had my own chances to organise various events, conduct Competitive Programming Contests for entire college, and bring in sessions to introduce new concepts of technology to my peers. Individually I love working on technological developments and if there's anything we can do together, tell me below in the Contact Form.
Educations And Certifications
Institute name : LNMIIT, Jaipur

Degree : B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) (2025)

Courses I excelled at:
  • Computer Programming
  • Data Structures and Alogrithms
  • Computer Networks
  • Operating Systems
  • Optimisation Techniques and Algorithms
  • Advanced Programming
  • Computer Organisation and Architecture
Club I Joined : GDSC LNMIIT as GDSC Competitive Programming Lead A lot has happened and a lot more is waiting.
Institute name : Sir Padamapat Singhania Education Centre, Kanpur

Completed my Senior Secondary schooling i.e. Class XII with 95+ percentage.
Institute name : Sir Padampat Singhania Education Centre, Kanpur

Completed my Secondary School i.e. class X with 97+ percentage.
Contact Me