Hi! Well I expect by now you already a lot of know about me.
I am a 3rd year B.Tech student pursuing Computer Science and Engineering and inherently try to find different ways to apply my knowledge of technology while expanding it simultaneously.
I have experiences in
- Data Structures and Algorithms, using them for my Competitive Programming ventures. (Highest Rating on CodeForces stands tall at 1509.)
- Learnt Python and utilised its image detection facilitating libraries to create my first-ever project.
- Went on a my own Web-Development path to learn React, HTML, CSS and JS and produced this portfolio website as its first result.
As GDSC Competitive Domain Lead I have had my own chances to organise various events, conduct Competitive Programming Contests for entire college, and bring in sessions to introduce new concepts of technology to my peers.
Individually I love working on technological developments and if there's anything we can do together, tell me below in the
Contact Form.